Thursday, April 9, 2015

Closing Time

Tonight at work as we cleaned the showroom me and my gal pal Sarah talked about this whole thing called dating . It's all new for me , just began a few months ago . I've been single for 4 1/2 years by choice . The thought of dating strangers frightened me . My life has been bombarded with work , kids, gym and God . In no order of importance . I never have time for my friends or extended family it's aweful .

My friends urged me to go date , go go Amy they said . I've gone on a handful .  Some funny , some disasters , some disapointments . I'm fine being single , that's who I am . I've never been the girl to scribble his and hers names on scratch pads . I was the girl who mocked love at every turn and its existence .

Last year I fell , in love for first time , the for real kind of love . The details are not important , but it turned me into a believer .

So here I am . It's 10 pm after work , we're talking about dating . And this is the skinny on it . It's not about the guy really . You spend so much time on the right out fit , exc to find in the end your date is you !!!!

With every date we learn more about our selves . Don't we ? What we want , don't want . I've made good friends in the process and met some people with real issues . But all in all you got to enjoy the journey even though it's hard . Keep yourself open . Everyone teaches us something about ourselves .

In the process you just might meet that person . Who makes it all make sense , and the looking is over.

I've been hurt , yes. I've had fun , but I know my path .
Cheers to us . Open your heart -

Agent Orange

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