Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beyond The Maze

Tonight I want to talk about a way out of a maze .
You know when things are great and then , in a moment it's all crashing down around you ?
What is the way to peace ? When your stomach is sick from your heart hurting or finances failing or
Any other stressful situation that causes pain . This secret is the one and only thing to give you peace.

Giving God control is the answer . How do we do that ? I will tell you how .
In your turmoil you look ahead , but in a hurricane you can't see in any direction and it's easy to be hurt and confused , even scared .

But .. If you look up God will guide you out .
If your having a hard time doing this , it means you are not putting your trust in God .
God says we walk in the valley of the shadow of death .

Would you rather walk in the shadow of a semi truck or in front of it ?
We fill our void with anything to numb our pain , but trusting in God will give you , your long lost joy back .

You can't have a relationship with God and only invite him into one or two rooms in your heart .
He needs in all the rooms .
If Jesus knocked on your front door right now would you panick ? Close the doors to the kids messy rooms ?
Same as your heart , do you hide your room of pain , pride , addiction ? The list goes on . Jesus healed the sick and he will heal you .

His promise is their for you . Jesus says cling onto what is good and get rid of the rest .
He has a plan for you . Read his word , and pray .

- Agent Orange

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