Saturday, September 16, 2017

Air Planes

It's 9:59 PM . I have not written a fresh new blog in a while . I'm listening to No Other Love by Chuck Prophet . We all know I have to find the perfect song to fit the mood right ? It's dark in my room , just got home from a very long commute , my daughter is fast asleep next to me . I thought about going to the movies but I'm not quite in the mood so here I am writing to you my precious audience . I think what I have to say I may have said so many times before , but maybe just maybe you are sitting in your room too , so move over so I can sit with you and tell you something about love .

I'm no expert on many things but matters of the heart I'm quite good at . I wrote last year that some times love isn't enough . That is true . But let's take it deeper , we can't save any one either . Have you ever loved someone so much you thought you could take away there pain ? Maybe even save them ? Make them whole and healthy and full of joy ? Man that is a lot to carry on your shoulders isn't it ?

You can't take on someone else's pain , and do you . You will fall into there open wounds and be in pain yourself . Have you ever been on an air plane ? What's the first thing they tell you to do in an event of an emergency ? To put your oxygen mask on . Then put it on the person next to you . Why ? What good are you if your dead ? Same in relationships . If you are saving someone and giving them the oxygen they will take from you as you die , right ? How is that healthy ? Or loving ? When you take the oxegyn away , they say give it back ?!!!! Ummmm hello I'm dying here .

People need to be whole and healthy to be able to give to you in a real way . They need to take care of themselves , and you can breathe right ? Love is two people filling the jar of life together .

You might love them so much your dying for them ,  but they aren't loving you . It's selfish . Love isn't enough . This is not love that is give and take .

You have to leave that situation no matter how hard it is . You can't be abused , you are deserving of you air .

Never ever settle . Someone who loves you with there whole heart will never put you in such a position . No one is perfect true . But no one is to take your air . You are not life support for a dreary world . You are a light .

And when you leave they won't be sorry they killed you , they'll be sorry they lost your mask .
Chose wisely .

-Agent Orange

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